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So I don't feel so badly about finances even though at the moment I am having a hard time keeping my bank balance in the black from month to month, which however, I am convinced is a temporary condition unless something very unforeseen occurs.

Listened to the whole of "La Bohême" this afternoon since it is raining, sloppy, and Bab and Rog both are recovering from slight colds and can't go out anyhow. The music was beautiful, my old friend Armand Tokatyan doing a swell job as Rudolfo and DeLuca being back again too, his voice rich and robust in spite of his 60 odd years I understand.

Barbara, Charlie and Maybelle in to play "Tripoly", a new rage - combination of poker and Michigan. We played for 1/10¢ a point and had a circus. Walt had to catch the 9:18 for New York so he stayed only a few minutes but was in a jovial mood. Am glad things seem to be going better with him and Maybelle lately. I served highballs and all were very merry - I even told the story about the man who pulled the emergency cord on the 20th Century Limited after an opening by Charlie and it brought down the house! I thought they would all bust a gut, Barbara especially. I never would have told it sober.

Troy, N.Y.
Sunday, Feb. 11, '40.

Found Mother apparently well today although complaining of great nervousness over the same things as always. However, I noted that when you was talking about other things, she seemed very natural so I am not worrying too much.