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lunch time came, the crew went up in the tower and as the old engineer left the cab he said to us with a twinkle in his eye, "Now don't any of you fellows touch anything while I'm gone."

They claimed it was a light day at Holyoke (I've seldom been at any place where a diesel was being tried that they didn't claim it was a light day) but the engine did well with the work in hand.  Haggerty, the general yardmaster, whom I met last years and who treated me so royally, was with us and seemed pleased. We shoved 3 cars up a ramp that looked like about 6% to me and the engineer did a swell job. Haggerty said, "I didn't think she'd do it!" We "flew cars" several times and very successfully. It's a busy spot but I was tickled with the way the engine handled it; we do need more braking power and I've got to get into the track brake. There were reporters there from the Springfield Transcript taking pictures and gathering data. So "Tarzan, Jr." was in the limelight today in Holyoke. One of the fireman's prize remarks: passing a big steam engine he yelled at the fireman in it: "You want this job - you don't need no steam on this!" Then he turned to us and said, "That fella has an awful job making steam."

But [[Ernie Bloss?]] had another nickname for "Tarzan, Jr." - "The Night Crawler." This was because they had to crawl down from North Adams last night at 10 to 15 MPH to avoid burning out the side rod bearings and they got in at 2:30 AM. Today at noon Ernie felt terrible - thought he had ptomaine poisoning. He, Neil, Hayes, the storekeeper at Greenfield, and I started for Boston in Neil's car about 3:30 PM, me to meet Roy Goggin at the R.R. Club diner.