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We got in after the dinner had started and meeting McElroy, we repaired to to the bar in the Touraine with Mac for a drink. We had one, then another, and after ordering the third, I went up and located Roy with Ken Auburn of Alco. So they came down and we had a couple more. It was too late for dinner then. Earlier today, I told Neil I thought if I had to stay over to see Larry Richardson about the White River to Berlin road proposition, I could catch the noon plane to N.Y. tomorrow and have the afternoon in New York which would be enough. He remarked he'd see I stayed over, and laughed and I thought no more about it, even when I saw Neil lean over and whisper to Roy. 

Almost 9 PM we left the Touraine to put Neil on the Gull for Portland. We dropped him at South Station and then I asked Roy what next: "I'm going to get you something to eat," he said and drove over near Faneuil Hall and marched into a saloon. Again I inquired what he was doing and he repeated I could get something to eat in here. We walked in and in a booth were seated two rather attractive girls to whom Roy spoke, took off his coat & mine, and motioned me in beside them introducing them as Helen and Lillian. He told me to order dinner, and he ordered drinks for the girls and himself. After I had had a sandwich and three glasses of milk, I felt better. But his finesse had me cold!

About that time, a drunk came up (the waitress said he was a good lawyer out on a monthly bender) and wanted to read our palms. He told Roy he was an executive but Roy maintained he was a boiler maker. He then read mine: "Well, you're not an [[underline]] engineer [[/underline]] - and you're not a [[underline]] salesman  [[/underline]] -" and at that point Roy cut in to exclaim, "Jesus, I've