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attendent! Futile telephone calls and searching for the keys consumed an hour and finally he had to go to the garage and get Connie's car which we had stored for him earlier. We took the girls home and then Roy took me home with him sans bag which I had checked at South Station. We got to bed at 3 AM, getting Marion up. She made up the divan for me and offered me a drink but I declined. She's a good hearted girl! I felt weary when I crawled in - another tough day but a memorable one!

Boston, Mass.
Wednesday, Feb. 14, 1940.

We arose rather wearily at 8:30 AM. Marion left for her office, having orange juice and coffee ready for us, and we sat in the breakfast nook and drank it and tried to come to. I felt awfully tired but otherwise OK but began to worry for fear the dissipation, irregular meals and late hours would bring on a sore throat and cold. We made a date with Larry for 10:30 AM and Mrs. Knowles reserved me a seat on the noon plane and all looked well until Mrs. K. advised the planes might be grounded because of a violent storm coming up through New York, and they were - so I made a reservation on the Owl for midnight, planning to retire at 10 PM and have a good night's rest, particularly get to bed early.

We saw Larry and he told us to come back after lunch with some further information. Roy, Jack [[Thindwall?]] and I had lunch together including two scotch & soda pick-me-ups which only did so temporarily & then we felt lower than ever. We made an appointment with Larry and then met Marion for an early dinner after which they dropped me at South