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I had from 5 PM to 6:50 PM to while away and dropped in at the Willard for a couple of scotches. Sitting there in the cocktail lounge, it was interesting to watch the various people: a.) a snappily dressed 40ish man drinking alone anxiously waiting for a phone call which finally came and soon he was joined by a well dressed flat faced woman looking like Lois Traphagen and they became very happy together b.) A flabby chinned, dissipated looking woman of 45 drinking alone 3.) A "sugar daddy" drinking with a pretty, Spanish looking Olivia De Havilland-like girl d.) A rather pretty girl in her twenties but wearing glasses and with a cast to one eye drinking alone moodily and sadly - I would have enjoyed the opportunity to take her to dinner and dancing and give her a little fun - I felt sorry for her e.) A couple of old bucks evidently looking for a pick-up f.) A couple of old bucks oblivious of women all around them g.) Three women drinking and oblivious to all men around them h.) Two young women apparently [[underline]] not [[/underline]] oblivious to the men around them i.) A dishevelled haired, sloppy tied, fine looking, nervous boy in for a quick one and out again in a hurry.

Met Bearce unexpectedly at the 6:50 train. He was down to deliver a New Haven 0361 model to the Smithsonian Institute for permanent exhibit. I reflected that here was an example of initiative of mine. I initiated the making of that model as an aid to selling the job and followed its making in the Roy Patten by several trips to Bridgeport.

Dinner on the train was an experience because the generator was out of balance and at 80 MPH it hit a [[critical?]] that shook the whole car, rattled china and silver and made such a din you could hardly