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Erie, Pa., 
Tuesday, Feb. 20, 1940.

Ken Wolf came again today which cramped my style somewhat but I managed to get nearly everything swinging in good shape after last week's trip. The main news of the day was that Shapter has "resigned" but as nearly as I can find out, it means only that he has "resigned" from his duties working on the development of new small diesel designs with Doc Gillilan. So after all it doesn't mean very much except that Shap is through his own bullheadedness and belligerency with almost everyone in the department, got himself in further disrepute. If Whitey meant one half of what he remarked to me yesterday, then Shap is on the skids. No man can antagonize people so indiscriminately for very long without having trouble. And yet Shap is a good man -- has done good work. It's a shame he has such a peculiar personality.

I invited Ken Wolf out to the house this evening to look at his own movies which he had brought out for me to see and we had a pleasant time. I made him a couple of Cutty Sarks that packed more wallop in two drinks than all we bought at 50ยข a drink the other night with Frank put together. Had a lot of fun telling Willie about Frank Guillot and promising to have him out here some night next week to mix his famed "ojen" cocktails.

I wired Neil Donovan this morning, "Is Tarzan Jr. doing well what is Billerica demonstration date" and soon had reply from Doc Millan, "Tarzan Jr. needs snowshoes big storm tied up system postponing demonstration today.' I thought I might try to go to the demonstration but if it is that imminent, I guess I shan't make it. Looks like Cleveland on Republic Steel troubles next week.