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got fed up and that was the reason for Craven's visit. While we were in Si's office, he had one of their E-M locos. in apparently with a broken generator coupling & with no decent facilities, they were preparing to tear that apart mostly by brute strength, crowbars and awkwardness. But Si remains largely unruffled, nearly always has a smile, never seems to let it get him down. He showed us the [[underline]] 45,000 HP [[/underline]] steam engine which drives their blooming mill - the biggest thing I ever saw and Si showed us a crankshaft for it which weighs over 100 tons and had broken and Si repaired. My hat is off to these mill maintenance men - they can handle anything and largely through their own ingenuity, they do things that look like almost impossible jobs with the facilities they have to work with.

Gerry took me out to his house to clean up but I didn't meet his wife because they are going to have their second baby any day and she was self conscious about meeting me for the first time in that condition. Gerry came downtown and we had dinner together at the Tavern, one of Martignone's favorite spots, and then we went over to the bowling alleys where I watched the G.E. League in action. My interest was divided between Gerry's team's match and the alley next to theirs where some GE girls were playing. One of the girls was built like Venus and most of the men were taking her in every time she got up to roll - she was much too preoccupying for the good of anyone trying to concentrate on real bowling. Dougherty told me that after the bowling, many of the girls and men met in a nearby bar and carried on to an extent that was rather questionable particularly as there was ample opportunity to then