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if my memory serves me well. Ed is a very nice fellow - I enjoy being with him.

After lunch we rode the locomotive most of the afternoon. Saw Jim Shane who invited us to come to his Departmental Dinner tonight at the Oriole Club as his guests and we accepted although it meant staying over, something which I think Ed and I both wanted to do although I would hardly admit it to myself. George Law was running the locomotive as the plant is nearly shut down - a depressing place - and Tinkey was riding. Somehow, I felt very sorry for Tinkey. He looked like a whipped dog to me and when Jim Shane didn't include him in the invitation, I felt even worse. He was covered with oil and grease from head to foot and had a sort of self conscious grin on his face - seemed to me to be a fellow who wanted to be a good egg and get along and be liked but just didn't know how. Actually my heart ached for him.

As a matter of fact, I was under a decided cloud of depression today and when we checked in at the Onesto at Canton to get cleaned up, I called Willie and when I heard Rog answer the phone and when Willie told me everything was fine at home, I felt better. We found the Oriole Club a private outfit and the whole gang was getting a start in the bar when we arrived. And when George Law came in with Tinkey I felt still better. Jim Shane was the host and he couldn't spend much time with us but George took us in hand and did a good job getting us acquainted with the boys who ranged all the way from brakemen to the Supt. of the Canton Plant - Farnsworth. Met Paul Walters, Master Mechanic at Canton, who it developed is a τßπ from Purdue,