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give a right arm for him anytime - are all pulling for him so he will make good in his new job. And the genuine, sincere way they got up on their feet and said so at the dinner was very impressive.

Erie, Pa., 
Saturday, Feb. 24, '40.

Ed and I were pretty tired this morning - we got up at 9AM and at 10:15 AM we were en route to Cleveland in Ed's Dodge in a blizzard and close going to catch the 12:20 PM for Erie. But we [[underline]] just [[/underline]] made it and Willie and the children met me at the station -- all well and it was good to be with them again.  On the train I ran into Bill Shenck who was on test in 60 with me here in 1926 when he was on the MIT Co-op Course, and got tossed out of 60 by Emerson with whom he couldn't get along. Now he's a research engineer with U.S. Steel at New York and doing well I judge from what he told me and a couple of patents he had with him. He's pleasant, fat and talkative - as I recall it was his talkativeness and argumentativeness that got him in Dutch with Emerson. Had John & Myrtle Dowine in this evening for the usual pleasant talk fest.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Feb. 25, 1940.

As I review in my minds eye the trip to Cleveland and Massillon, I am aware it was not attended by the poise it might have been. My game is not yet up to par by any means. Again today I want to get a new footing and go forward with more of that poise in living I know I must have to realize my potentialities and to know the satisfaction, content and happiness I long for. So here in a few simple words, I pledge myself to a better job of living from here on. I can and will!