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Tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of my father's death. That is a fitting time to begin living the way I know he would have wanted me to live just as I know how I want Rog to live, what I want him to be. After all, that is the answer. Much as I love Bobbie, there is something about Rog as my little boy that carries more weight with me than anything she in my life and for him, I want to be the kind of a father he deserves. Let this be the start of an effort at living such as I have never before put forth - one long and earnestly continued - one that will bring at last a dream come true - a dream dating far back to Shoals on those warm, bright, clean summer days of 1923 when for the first time perhaps, I sensed what life should and could be.

Tonight after the sun had set beautifully into the ice filled lake and darkness had fallen over us again, we went out and, looking into the west, saw the rare line-up of the planets, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Mars, one almost over the other. Mercury was so near the horizon under Jupiter we could not see it, but Jupiter and Venus literally blazed at us and farther up over them, Saturn and red Mars studded the sky. All this fits into my mood tonight. One cannot contemplate such things as this without realizing what a marvellous place we live in, what a marvellous thing life is, to be made the most of. And that is what I'm after now - to make the very most of [[underline]] my [[/underline]] life with the assets I have fortunately been given, perhaps the greatest of which is Taste. If I will follow my Taste - the signals it gives me, I can go a long, long way.