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Erie, Pa., 
Monday, Feb. 26, 1940.

Roger has suddenly and voluntarily declared that he will henceforth go upstairs alone to undress at night and then will come down and say goodnight to us and return to bed by himself. We suspect he has had this idea instilled at school. Personally, I like his going up alone to undress but I shall miss going up to say goodnight to him - our little ceremony every night when he hides under his covers and I go to "find" him and have to make him laugh before he will come out. I hate to see the end of that - I love it. Maybe he'll change his mind about that part of it after a few days. I hope so.

Bab, Elizabeth, Rog and a couple of little girls next door have formed "The Phantom Club", the purpose of which I am not familiar with but the election of officers yesterday quite disturbed Rog because he missed out on the Vice-Presidency due to the fact Bab voted for herself. (Rog voted for her but he wanted the job himself) At least, I give him credit for not voting for himself. What seemed to hurt him so much was the fact Bab wouldn't even vote for "her own brother" - it must be she didn't like him, etc. etc. I felt pretty sorry for him.

Tonight we went to a "Community Dinner" at the Tarnos which proved to be a rare affair. Lee started it off with a [[underline]] very [[/underline]] potent orange and gin drink that had the ladies in states ranging from Willie's "cain't see" to Barbara Reed's semi-maudlin "sit here, Florie". Don't know the cause but Maybelle was very sweet to me - said she had wanted terribly to hold my hand in the exciting spots of "Gone with the Wind" but was afraid I'd smack her down; I let her know it would have been both a privilege and a rare pleasure and I wished she had. She and Barbara both wanted