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me to sit with them at dinner and I had to flip a coin to decide and it fell Maybelle so I sat close beside her all through the evening of Tripoley. Bill Collins was at our table and he tipped me off that the Boston Store was buying two 45HP motors for a ventilating system addition and I should see Jack Milling got after it for G.E. - that the Boston Store preferred and favored G.E. always. So I felt I was combining business with pleasure. Bill was named "Committee Chairman" by Lee Tarno and encouraged the boys (and girls) to repair to the kitchen frequently to imbibe (straight) Mt. Vernon or Vat 69, all of which kept the party going at a high pitch. I've waited a long time for this evening at the Tarnors but when it finally arrived it was a lulu.

Erie, Pa.
Tuesday, Feb. 27, '40.

Called Jack Milling first thing this morning and he said he would investigate the propositiion for 2 - 45 HP motors immediately. Later he called back and said it was for 2 - 1/4 HP motors! And then he went on for five minutes about the cheap skates at the Boston Store - how they wouldn't buy G.E. if they could buy anything else a cent cheaper and anyone who told me otherwise was just a plain liar! So Bill's story and Jack's were quite at variance. Jack was absolutely rabid about the infamies of the Boston Store & everyone who had anything to do with it.

About 4:30 PM Whitey called me from Sch'dy. and said St.L. and I or I or St.L. should be in Sch'dy. tomorrow to set a price on the Brazilian navy gun mount proposition. It was the last thing I wanted to do anyhow, and St.L. said it couldn't be done with any intelligence so we tried to get