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Whitey and he had left the Plant.  So we got Clark and he agreed Thursday would be better and he would let us know tomorrow.  So, although I was glad not to have to go tonight, I had some misgivings about what Whitey would say.  However, in line with the accusation by Whitey that I was a "worry bug", I finally kicked it out of my mind, particularly as I think we did the right thing. 
This evening Frank Guillot and Ken Wolf came over to the home for Frank's O-Jen cocktails and I must say they were A-1, sweet like annis with a peculiar flavor unlike anything I ever tasted. In appearance they were rather unappetizing - looked like the water after you pour it into an empty milk glass. Their effect on me (coupled with a fire in the fireplace) was to make me terribly sleepy - two of them. A Cutty Sark and soda revived me. Frank talked a lot and entertainingly. Willie was with us and I think she got quite a kick out of Frank of whom she has heard a lot. Poor old Frank, a good egg if you know how to get along with him, is his own worst enemy! Frank is over 60 I think but when I'm with him, I don't feel like I'm with an elderly man - he's like Wade that way - I feel like he was about my age. Frank lost his daughter, I believe, just a few years ago. Perhaps that had something to do with his bitterness. I like Frank but he is a perfect example of a man who has never gone out of his way to be pleasant to and get along with people and as a result finds himself with few good friends just when, in his old age and when his children are gone, he needs them most. I feel sorry for Frank for underneath all his gruffness, he is a darned nice man & interesting.