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Erie Pa
Wednesday Feb 28 '40

A helter skelter day at the office filled with so many different jobs. I couldn't begin to ennumerate them. Clark says now maybe Friday for Schdy and perhaps we won't have to go after all. I'm very busy these days and I love it. Yesterday, we had a reunion on Republic Steel and it went the way I wanted it to. We'll furnish Marrilon 3 new gears and 3 new pinions. Also it look like we can cut off ventilation at CLeveland and get rid of our dirty commutator trouble.
The boys are working like hell to get our tank bid ready and tomorrow Whitey will call me from N.Y. to say whether or not we are to bid! If ACF is ratified their price of $12,800 is okay we aren't interested. After the experience we've had with ACF, I wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw a piano. They never did give us their best sources for outside material after promising Whitey they would. Now they're acting up on giving us a quotation armor plate.
Had a letter from Mother today telling me a terrifying experience she had when Mrs. York had a bad heart attack while having dinner with her and Mrs. Newell. Also she told of a strange dream she had on the night of the 25th when she saw Father and God a premonition she would die within a year. Mother is quite psychic but I take no stock in such premonitions in mental telepathy, I really do believe but not in premonitions of this sort. I really think Mother may live to 75 at least-maybe older. Her heart is not too good but she takes good care of herself and I think she has a long time to go yet before the end comes. When it does come, I hope it will be swift and painless