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Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, March, 2, 1940

A heavy thaw set in today; it was 40° in the shade and in the sun I felt comfortable outdoors for a few moments without overcoat or hat on. The usual Saturday shopping. This afternoon listened to "Aida" - Rose Bampton wonderful as Aida, and Arthur Carron, English tenor, excellent as Rhadames. We are half toying with the idea of going to Cleveland next month for the opera but I'm having such a struggle right now to keep the bank account above water, I doubt if we do it. Filed Federal income tax returns for Mother and us today - a relief to get that done although I still have Mother's N.Y. State return to do and my State and County personal property tax returns to make. There is no privacy at the Federal Tax office here. Warren Williamson, one of our Loco. draftsmen, was standing right beside me as I signed mine today and I guess he knows right to the last cent what my G.E. salary is.

This evening we went to the Reeds for another Tripoley session with them and the Scarboroughs and for sheer hilarity (aided by some good whiskey sours) the meeting has seldom been equalled. We make a very congenial combination. Old Walt seemed in a fine mood and when he is, I don't know anyone much more likeable.

Erie, Pa.
Sunday, Mar. 3, 1940.

It rained all day and we stayed in. I worked on my A.I.E.E. paper closing remarks and also on the White River Jct. to Berlin diesel-electric locomotive study which we turned over to Alco and they suddenly turned back again because they are busy preparing a [[underline]] steam [[/underline]] report for the B&M Fitchburg Div., which Roy Goggin wanted to study for diesels. Alco