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is afraid if it goes diesel, Electro-Motive will get most of it, but if it goes steam, they won't get any of it. I talked to Whitey about it but he doesn't want to try to interfere with them now, particularly as they are not yet ready to jump into the road locomotive business with both feet.

Bab's eye is still dilated, presumably from the medicine Dr. Delaney put into it, but it feels better and I don't believe she is going to have any serious trouble with it. Yesterday afternoon, she, Dorothy Jean and Dorothy Davies were here baking a cake and it was remarkably good too. Today we are having a struggle to keep her from playing out in the rain with Elizabeth Cain, who seems to be agreeable to playing outdoors in [[underline]] any [[/underline]] kind of weather. Rog is reading "Pinnoccio" to himself, having read the entire Disney version since yesterday afternoon. He loves to read.

Went to the Luthers this evening for a bridge session in which Tony and I had terrible cards and got trimmed 3 rubbers to 1. Ben says he hears Bob Walsh has had a relapse and apparently wont be able to get back on the job this spring as he planned. Poor old Bob has had about as tough a time as anyone I know. I asked Ben about Louis Webb's health, as I had overheard Rudy say Louis is in bad shape with insulin shock again. Ben said he thought Louis worked too hard -- would be better off if he ran the place the way Rudy Krape used to when he had the section - Ben said Rudy did as nearly nothing as it was possible to do - spent most of the day up in the Commercial Dept gabbing with the boys up there. It bears out my contention Rudy is lazy.