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Erie, Pa.
Monday, Mar. 1, 1940.

I had a nice session with St.L. this morning and I told him diplomatically (I think) of the situation I am in and my conversation with Whitey Friday. St. L. said he would see to it in the future that all work of a commercial nature got routed through us in the Transportation Dept. He was remarkably nice about it and asked me to tell him any time I thought he was out-of-bounds. I found out from Fred Brehol that St.L. has almost no commercial contacts on the 5"/38 job. So I believe the situation already is beginning to iron itself out. I am glad to have things pleasant with St.L. because I find I like him about as much as anyone I've ever dealt with. He is a prince.

Most of the remainder of the day I spend calculating a run from White River Jct. up to Berlin. Roy phoned and said he wanted me in Boston Wednesday, so that wrecks our plans to have a spaghetti supper with Charlie and Barbara tomorrow and may mean I'll be away until sometime next week on the first spring junket of the new year. I'll enjoy it but I'm hoping no complications arise with the ordnance stuff while I'm away after all the hullabaloo that's been made in the last few days.

Bab made an [[underline]] excellent [[/underline]] cake all by herself today and we had it for supper. Her eye is still dilated but I guess Dr. Delaney gave it a real shot of the "dilator". Ben says Tony had her eyes dilated for a week once after Delaney treated her. Her eyes feel better and I'm sure she will be okay.