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Neil had a wire from Andy Johnson that they tried to take 373 tons up the Branch at Gardiner and Tarzan Jr. finally rebelled and began to smoke so they gave it up. But it was only motor heating that stopped them - Tarzan still ground on at about 1 MPH without slipping! I recommended 200 tons for the Branch and the steam does 240 so they told me last summer.

Went to Roy's for supper preceded by two "MG" (Marion Goggins) highballs, ultra potent. Discussed Larry's job with Roy and then we went out to Larry's house where we stayed until about 11 PM discussing various things with him. Roy ran me back to the hotel. Met Mrs. Richardson, fat, placid and pleasant.

Northampton, Mass.
Monday, Mar.11, 1940.
We had a full schedule planned for today. Neil picked me up at 8 AM and we drove to Saylerville, R. I. to call on old Doug Paton of the Moshannich Valley but when we got there, found he was sick in bed. Neil had failed to check of course, before leaving Boston and I was a trifle irritated at this poor management, having had it happen before over here. So we proceeded to Worcester where we had lunch with Walter Wall, Purchasing Agent for the Street Railway, a comical, dapper, fluid, middle aged Irishman, who carried us to three Manhattans before eating, and we were semi-woozy from them. Then on to the Springfield office where we contacted Roger and the boys for a "chat" as Neil would say. Then on to Northhampton to spend the night and see "Charlie" DeRose in the morning. As far as I was concerned the day was utterly wasted and I felt pretty discouraged, knowing my time is needed elsewhere also.