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We did see the B & M Northhampton switcher working down at the Mt. Tom Mills and checked his speed going back to Northhampton - over 25 MPH - which was a little something. But we had to do a lot of sitting around in the car in the chill of evening as the sun set and cast purple on the snowy hills and I felt rather low - even the beauty of the surrounding couldn't penetrate my gloom. When we get to the hotel, we called Dr. Rose to ask him to dinner but he was at the Kiwanis, so we repaired to the "Ordinary" of the Wiggins Old Tavern for dinner.  It was mostly full of Smith College girls, some of them stunning and unusual looking, all having a look and an air of refinement and gentility. I thought then, I should like to see Bab go to a place like this. Oh, to make good so she can!

At the table behind me, there was a group of about six girls who evidently were [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] Smith - they lacked just the qualities mentioned above - just listening to their chatter convinced me of that, but several were good looking. They were drinking and suddenly I heard one say in a voice evidently meant for us to hear, "Gee, I feel good. When we leave here, I'm going to get myself a boyfriend - FROM ERIE."  It was meant obviously for me but I don't know yet how she knew where I was from unless they had seen us register and gather the dope from the clerk. Well, it was temptation in our low frame of mind, to take them up but I pulled myself together and suggested to Neil we go to see "Gone with the Wind." Rather reluctantly, I think, he agreed and we walked out, crossed the street to the theater and went in. Neil hadn't seen it and he wasn't sorry we went afterward, getting a great kick out of it. I enjoyed it