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all very good news. J.W. had, in the meantime, gone to Berlin to do some investigating up there, which also was good news with relation to Larry's Alco study, showing that was getting serious too. Neil had remained up town when we went to the engine house, and we were unable to locate him again until 15 minutes before the "Alouette" left for Boston at 2:45 PM. Roy feared Neil was off on a bender but we found him eating a sandwich and a glass of beer at the hotel bar at 2:30 PM and we caught "Alouette" okay.

There was an adorable baby about 5 months old across the aisle and Roy beamed at the baby about all the way to Boston - too bad he never had any of his own! As we proceeded southeast through the mountains, the sun shown and the white capped peaks flared brilliantly amid the dark pine slopes in the foreground - a beautiful sight, but not much like the first days of spring - it started officially yesterday on account of leap year. The dark forests, the white mountain slopes and domes, the blue sky, the icy brooks, the snowy valleys in the sunlight - a beautiful trip.

This was another of those occasions when Roy had decided we had all worked hard enough to deserve some relaxation. I rather suspected something this time but hardly enough to take it seriously. I would have been happy to go to the Parker House and to bed early. But when we finally got there, Roy made a mysterious phone call and off we went to the old hangout near Fanueil Hall, where we met Helen, Lillian and Edna, friends from Durgin Park. And thence to the Westminster next to the Copley-Plaza for dinner and dancing. I will say,