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We went back to the Goggins then and pretty soon the Repettoes came in with their two boys - and the 5 year old is a bearcat! He made me think so much of Rog three years ago, and I knew I was sorry Rog has to get bigger and bigger and soon wont be a little boy any more.

I had to catch the 7:00 PM for Erie and we had dinner late - a luscious steak and Marion of course gave me the cream of it - and then a dash for South Station where we arrived with 5 minutes to spare. I was in bed at 8:15 PM and soon asleep. It was an empty train - dull and lifeless - a young woman and I were the only ones in our car out of Boston. I was glad to go to bed and relax and review the week in my mind's eye and doing it, I fell asleep.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Mar. 24, 1940.

Mother and Willie at the station to meet me - Mother up for Easter and to review the dreaded census with me. It was the subject of a rather nerve racking session this afternoon that had me almost ready to throw my hands up in despair. Found Rog confined to the divan downstairs with a slight cold but feeling very chipper, and Bab 100% and out skating on the driveway most of the time with Betsy Cain. With Mother in such a distraught state over the census, it wasn't a very happy reunion but I didn't expect it to be so I wasn't disappointed. Ben and Tony fortunately dropped in this afternoon which helped quite a lot and this evening the usual favorite Sunday night radio programs helped also.