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Erie, Pa.,
Monday, Mar. 25, '40.

Had planned to have a session with Whitey today on Boston affairs but he was in Philadelphia until Thursday when I may well be back in Boston. We don't see much of each other these days. I have been hoping for news of a raise April 1st but even if Whitey has it, there has scarcely been an opportunity to tell me so I must simply wait and hope. I need it badly and I have high hopes but somehow I have a slightly sinking sensation when I think of it. Mostly hammered at B&M ammunition all day in preparation for returning to Boston for the show down. St.L. reports hopes of a 50-50 chance now at the Brazilian destroyer gun mounts. I am pretty out of touch with my ordnance job at the moment but when this Boston affair gets cleaned up, I'll get back into it again and by that time, it should be getting active again.

I gave Mother all the census dope tonight all written down so she should have no trouble with it but she is terribly nervous about the whole thing - seems to get worse. I presume it is her heart trouble that causes it all. I feel terribly sorry for her but there seems to be little I can do to ease her worries. Nothing I can say has much effect. There was a decided strain as we sat around this evening with Mother looking awfully morbid and distressed.

Erie, Pa.,
Tuesday, Mar. 26, 1940.

Talked to Roy Goggin twice today. Ernie Bloss is back and as Roy put it, Ernie is "confused" now as to what he does want. I just hope that Roy also isn't "confused" as to what's going on. But I