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guess he knows what he is doing. He gave me some dope on Ernie's ideas that got me started again on further research for our session which may or may not be this week. This is one job I want and want badly. I initiated the thing and I want to carry it through now to a highly successful conclusion - not alone the sale of Tarzan, Jr. but also about a half dozen additional Tarzan Jrs. There are many currents to be navigated and obstacles to be overcome and I'm just itching to get into the final fray and get the thing settled. What patience one must have!  Now Ernie appears to be leaning toward HM-829 motors! We have the GE-1204 (Tarzan Jr.), HM829 and the new GE733 integral double reduction motor, all in the picture. It is complex but very fascinating. Let's hope we can draw it soon to a successful conclusion.

Mother went home this morning and said she wants to come back about May lst for a short stay and then go to Chautauqua before the season starts. She says Syracuse has been a nightmare to her this winter because of the horrible weather, deaths and illness of friends, and the fear hanging over her of facing the census taker and she wants to get away soon. I wish she could get over this terrible nervousness but don't suppose she ever will.

Rog is almost well, and Babbie more and more young ladyfied every day. She got new "high" heeled patent leather slippers and a pair of [[underlined]] silk [[/underlined]] stockings for Easter - her first - and she grows prettier and prettier every hour. What a girl she is going to be!