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For Babbie I bought a lovely little picture of two children by Gainsborough for her room. She loves little children and this picture of two little girls is about the most adorable thing I've seen.

Met Roy at Sullivan Square and we drove to his home to have dinner and discuss our whole program, ^[[then go to Stanley Thomas' for a party.]] [When we arrived Marion said Lieut. Humphreys had phoned from the Arsenal, their old steam locomotive had broken down today, was definitely through and could we get Tarzan, Jr. to the Arsenal by Monday morning. It was that or shut down the arsenal because they had canvassed the district and Tarzan Jr. was the only thing anywhere nearby that could negociate the curves and still had enough weight and power to do the job! Roy took one look at me, grabbed his hat and coat and said, "Come on! We've got things to do and places to go!" We drove to the Arsenal but just missed the Lieut. Talked to Colonel Case on the phone and he said we would have to get hold of Humphreys - he knew only the barest details himself. So we returned to the apartment for the Lieut. to call at 6 PM. From then on it was a barrage of phone calls with Humphreys, Moorhead, the B&M, Neil, Doc Millan, etc. etc. We couldn't locate any of our service men so it appeared either Roy or I would have to escort Tarzan Jr. down from Woodsville tomorrow personally, driving up there tonight - 170 miles in a storm! There was no train we could take. 

We left Roy's about 8:30 PM, Marion accompanying us, and as a last resort stopped at Spurrell's home on the way out of town. Lady Luck was with us! He was there and at 9 PM