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Boston, Mass.,
Sunday, Mar. 31, 1940.

Up on schedule at 7:30 AM with four hours sleep, breakfast at the Woodsville Café, and over to the station to make arrangements for Tarzan's return to Boston. We had a conference in the office of the Woodsville Chief of Police, which strangely is in the depot and seems to be both police center and railroad congregating place for the B&M bosses there. The Chief and the Car Foreman steered us and as Frank Rourke had things pretty well greased from the Boston end, things went very smoothly, and Tarzan Jr. was scheduled to leave at noon, accompanied by a B&M crew and Spurrell. The Chief, Mr. Larty, showed us a 7 page letter in flowery language from the Woodsville bad boy, an ex-convict trying to go straight and asking permission of the Chief to be allowed to stay in town while seeking work - in the meantime, the Chief confided the bad boy was living with the Madame in a "Snapper Alley" house of ill fame, which is allowed to exist for the convenience of the lumberjacks and CCC boys because "if we didn't, they'd simply go across the bridge and spend their money in Vermont." It seemed like a very realistic way of looking at it.

We went down to the enginehouse to look over Tarzan Jr. and see it started up OK, had a last word with Carr, the enginehouse foreman, who was sad because he had just taken his little dog to the hospital with his hind legs paralyzed presumably from too much spring training, and then Marion, Roy and I left for Boston, stopping at the Eagle Hotel in Concord for a delicious dinner en route.

We got back to the apartment about 4:30 PM