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determined to do the work we didn't get done last night. We were getting a good start on our discussion of how we were going to make Tarzan, Jr. "stick" at the Arsenal, and Roy was all optimism as to what the Colonel could do to circumvent Army red tape on public bids, etc. when the doorbell rang, and in came two ladies, one exceptionally young and pretty. And this young and most pretty one was introduced to me as Lillian, Roy's [[underlined]] elder [[/underlined]] sister. I could see the resemblance all right, although she is small and Roy large, but she didn't look over forty and mother of twin sons 17 years old! She and her friend had driven up from Providence, Lillian's husband being away. They stayed and dinner got cold - they had eaten - and finally, after they left, we had dinner about 10 PM, Marion in despair that it was all spoiled of course. Roy told me later Lillian is married to a wealthy manufacturer in Providence, was "Miss Massachusetts" when she was 18, and quite a famed model before she was married. Roy was puzzled why she had come to see him today - said she hadn't been to see him for a long time - that he had refused to take a job with her husband and he didn't like that. I have gathered that Roy's family is rather helter-skelter - he has intimated he wished his family were more harmonious. I would like to know more about them sometime. I believe Roy is a Son of the American Revolution and from the best Irish  of Boston.

Boston, Mass.,
Monday, April 1, 1940.

Roy and I were on the dot at 8:30 AM and so was Gus Munster and we had a nice 20 minute session