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during which Roy says I did a fine job selling him on the GE733 motor and our fabricated mechanical construction. We told him we hoped he would place the order by Wednesday and he asked if we wouldn't be willing "to wait until Thursday" - then he said this might drag out for three or four weeks. then we had a long talk with Fred Sears, the boss statistician, who was very hopeful for five or more economical applications. So we felt hopeful and quite cheered.

We went out to the Arsenal then and found Tarzan Jr. already working. Humphreys seemed very grateful for our pulling them out of the hole. Colonel Case was in Washington, getting approval to buy a locomotive among other things. We had a heavy session with Bacall and he asked us to write a spec for him and we promised to have it tomorrow in his hands. Tarzan Jr. did a fine job shoving an oil car up an 8% ramp, the toughest job in the Arsenal - the brakes were actually on part of the time because of a leaky train line!

Roy, Neil and I adjourned to the Parker House about 4 PM to write Bacall's Spec. and tie it up air tight to Tarzan Jr. We told Mrs. Knowles to drop in about 5:30 PM to pick it up so she could type it up in the morning but when she and Bob K. arrived we were little better than started. So we bought a drink all around and sent them on their way. We worked hard up to 11 PM and had a Spec. that was literally wrapped around Tarzan Jr. I thought to myself it was too good to be true if they would use it as is.