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any more monkey wrenches into our works. Phil then went to South Station for a while and we quizzed Ernie about what he knew about Electro-Motive plans in the 44 ton field. He told us little although he and Buckpitt visited La Grange. To a direct question as to whether or not they plan to use their high speed truck engine, Ernie said, "Wouldn't you like to know?" That was enough for me!

Ernie had a date with his girl to see "Lynne and Fontaine" (Lunt and Fontaine) tonight - when I told him the critics acclaimed their new play, he answered rather superciliously, "Well, they usually are good, you know," and I thought, "And you don't even know their names properly!" - so Roy, Neil, Phil, Jay, Jack Thirlwall, who arrived today, and I proceeded out for an evening prior to Phil and Jay departing on the Owl at midnight. We went to the Parker House Roof for drinks and Roy really got going then, until I thought Phil would actually bust a gut laughing at him. Phil, after a few, wanted to dance so Roy lined up Helen and Edna and they were soon up with us. From there we went to the Latin Quarter for dinner and the show. The high spot of that session was Roy and Neil dancing the "umpsy-daisy" with a couple of chorus girls - funny! Roy particularly! There were a couple of ballroom dancers on the program who were remarkably fine - so graceful I could have watched them all night. While they were dancing, Helen confided to me that she would have given anything to go on the stage. Somehow, under the influence of the music and the grace of it all, this little