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confidence seemed to reveal a tragedy to me - here was someone who had dreamed of the glamour of the stage and wound up in the quite unglamourous career of a waitress. It cut right through me at the time - I could have put my arms around the youngster and tried to comfort her.

Jay and Phil left about 11:45 PM to catch their train and we stayed on for about an hour. Then Jack insisted we go to his hotel for a drink. He stays at the Lenox, having a suite, and we made such a riot there, including breaking a plate glass shelf in a bookcase when Roy tried to put Helen into it, that we were called by the office and decided to leave - I was in bed at 1:30 AM. It was a very large evening and I think Phil enjoyed it. Roy outdid himself to give Phil a good time and from the number of times Phil exclaimed to him, "Where have you been all my life!" I think he was highly successful. One thing I've noticed is a slightly strained attitude of Jay toward Neil - for some reason he doesn't like him. They are mildly like a couple of fighting cocks toward each other, but of course, carefully covered up but not enough to be inevident. Neil had enough to drink tonight to get abusive to a waiter - I've seen that before and I don't like it myself.

Boston, Mass.,
Wednesday, April 3, 1940.

I've had a feeling right along we were walking in the clouds on this Tarzan Jr. Arsenal set-up and today when we presented our Spec. to Bacall, he wasn't so optimistic either about avoiding Govt. red tape. He said the Colonel has received authority to buy