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Roy didn't like the idea but didn't see what he could do about it at the moment. We cleaned up at my room and went over to the Statler. Neil and Doc Millan (Now much better and with no operation either!) were running the room. I met Don Knight, first time  in 15 years, and we had a nice chat. Don seems like a good man; the kind our Company needs, but I don't know him very well. He was a depression victim. I met a lot of transit men including "Cap" Williams of Providence, "the homeliest man in the world", a victim of elephantiasis in his old age. We went down to dinner and after dinner, without waiting for the show, returned to the room to find Helen & Edna there. Roy decided that as soon as the gang began to come back upstairs, Stanley Thomas and I should take the girls up to the Parker House and get them out of harm's way. He was afraid some drunk might make a pass at one of them and then there would be plenty of trouble. So we took them up to my room at the Parker House about 11 PM and had some food brought up for them - they had had no dinner. About 11:30 PM Roy showed up and after the girls had eaten, he and Stanley took them home & I went to bed.

The most memorable thing about this incident was a conversation I had with Edna after we got them up to the Parker House. It is an odd thing but people seem to like to confide in me, - always have. Edna told me about a boy she had gone with for a long time and now he had gone to New York and she never heard from him now but she couldn't forget him - went to