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wanted our pledge for next year, bringing to a head the question of what we are going to do. I stalled and after they left, Willie and I had a long talk, deciding now is the time to cut loose, and try another church and especially another Sunday School. It looks like the Covenant right now. No matter how good a minister the Unitarian Church here may have, it will never be the church for us because the people in it simply aren't our type and we can't feel happy in a church with them. The St. Paul's place is just the other way - so high hat no one knows you or gives a damn about you. As a matter of fact the Unitarian Church here has never shown any particular interest in us unless they wanted money. So I think we shall at least investigate the Covenant where many of our friends go and where there is a good Sunday School.

Erie, Pa.,
Monday , April 8, 1940.
Went into executive session with Whitey this morning first thing, told him the B & M  story, Tarzan Jr. story. Roy's wanting a man, Phil Hatch wanting a cheap locomotive and asked him if I got a raise April 1st. To the raise, he said they had not come through yet but he thought I would. He recommended Charlie MacDonald for the Boston job tentatively, to be discussed between us later when he can get Charlie's rating sheet, etc. That would be tough for Charlie after buying a new house but that's the risk one runs. The raise story heartened me greatly as I have been quite disturbed about that lately when I had time to think about it. I need it, the lord knows.