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through 180[[degree symbol]] - a very poor job for a locomotive of this type. Doc Gillilan, who professed to know so much about details of this locomotive he wanted to come to Boston to help me on them with the B & M, happened in while John and I were discussing this. "Well", Doc said in his most professional manner, "I can say this. Ernie Bloss will be well satisfied with what we have." I told Doc the bare facts were that Ernie knows what we have, has operated it and definitely doesn't like it. So then Doc began to inquire as to just what we do have! And when he found out, he decided it was no good, and after much argument. Rudy put it up to Whitey who said "Change it," and the battle was on with [[?Tutle], Downie, Luther et al. Delay shipment! Cost a fortune! etc. etc. But I think it will be changed. Found also they were trying to slip in a 12 to 1 brake lever ratio that would certainly be criticized and think that will be changed.

Ben told me the shocking news today that Ruth Stevens is in Warren State Hospital for the Insane with dementia praecox. What an end for a girl whom I thought the first time I ever saw her picture back in 1926, was very, very lovely! I think if she had married long ago and had a normal life, this never would have happened.

Ken Wolf blew in today and we had luncheon at the Den as usual when I drive. Shipment on the New York Central locomotive has been extended from May 27 to June 10th and Bill Hamilton is up in arms - mostly generator commutator trouble, just tough luck.