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I wrote a letter to Jones of the Unitarian Church yesterday telling him of our decision to try another Sunday School, but he hadn't received it, and stopped in tonight so I had to give it all to him verbally - a rather trying procedure but now its done. Willie was at Book Club and I was showing some movies to Bab and Rog when he arrived.

Erie, Pa.,
Wednesday April 10, 1940.
Roy phoned me from the Lawrence about 10 AM and I went down and we had coffee the good old St. Clair's way, then drove out to the plant. Had a long talk with Whitey during which Whitey proposed what I thought a very clever scheme on the 44 tonners to combat General Motors entrance into the 44 ton picture - get the B & M to make a contract (maybe in conjunction with the New Haven) for say 30 to 50 locomotives at the rate of one per month, the contract to be adjusted annually for variation in material and labor prices - also to have a session with the B & M  (and maybe New Haven) engineers to get some cost out of the locomotive which  with steady production would allow us to get our price down around $30,000. Roy agreed to take it up with Tom  Knight and see what might be done.

Whitey also proposed Charlie MacDonald for the open job in Boston and Roy said he would think him over. I gathered Roy had some reservations about Charlie and wanted to discuss him with Donovan and Millan before making any commitments. The only thing I can criticize in Charlie is that he talks too much sometimes but he's a good engineer and fully capable of holding his own in wassail bouts a la Boston.