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Roy and I spent most of the afternoon down in the Locomotive Div. and Roy was well sold on the 44 ton de luxe job when we got through. He sat in a conference in McNairy's office too while we decided on the new controller handle. I think it was well worthwhile and Roy learned much not only about the locomotive but also about our designers.

Roy proposed to Whitey this morning that I come to Boston for "two weeks" more and Whitey said "no" generally but specifically he had never turned down a district yet. However, he made it clear to Roy he should keep his demands on me to a minimum as I had a lot of other work to do including the ordnance stuff. So Roy decided to try to line up a conference in Boston Friday to review all details of design and I warned John Downie, who is going to New Haven tonight, that we might tell him tomorrow to come to Boston for Friday.

Having been treated so royally in Boston, I wanted to see Roy have a good time here so by good fortune I was able to line up a real evening for him. Walt Scarborough is away so we asked Maybelle to dinner, and Charlie and Barbara Reed in later for Tripoly. Roy and I went downtown from the office with Whitey, having a couple of Cutty Sarks in the hotel with him, "Sandy" Davidson, Orcutt and Wayne Lynch and then we came out to the home. Everything went perfectly - a delicious dinner in soft candle light - Bab and Rog had theirs by themselves in the living room with their own candle - Maybelle looked her best and made a great hit with Roy. The children also made a hit - always do with him. He insisted