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ing points and send to Roy the early part of next week.

John and I flirted with the idea of flying home on the 5:15 PM but Barbara Knowles (who now calls me Forie and whom I call Barbara- very nice) found out for us it already was cancelled - so we made reservations on the 7:00 PM B & A. Roy, Neil, John and I adjourned at 5 PM to the Tavern across the street for Cutty Sarks and some relaxation. We felt quite different from the way we felt two or three weeks ago when everything seemed to be shot out from under us and we could look back with pride at a long, slow, discouraging fight up out of that hole to a point now where we feel on top of things again. More than anything else right now, I want to battle the rest of the way and bring this negociation  to a successful conclusion. When that has been done, I can look back on this whole campaign with pride, and as an inspiring example of what can be done if one refuses to allow oneself to give up.

We got away with 5 Cutty Sarks before we broke up.  Roy got going on his Irish repertoire in good shape and John was entranced.  I know John  had a memorable day and I was glad for him - he is a great boy and deserves a break like this occasionally.  And moreover he certainly did an A-1 job  of his part of it.

Driving up to the Parker House after the Tavern, Roy suggested we might stay over and have a real celebration tonight.  One word of encouragement and we would have - but we were strong and demurred.  And at 7 PM we were en route home, satisfied.

Transcription Notes:
changed "Fine" to "Forie."