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Maybelle is funny about music. She professes to love it - to be thrilled by opera and magnificent voices - spends $395 for the finest machine money can buy - and yet while those beautiful records are being played on a magnificent machine that does them full justice, she sits reading or playing with the dogs, and obviously isn't even half listening, if she is listening at all. She doesn't like good music in spite of all she professes to the contrary.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, April 14, 1940.

A day mostly at home except to take the children this afternoon to see Spencer Tracy in "Northwest Passage", the story of Roger's Rangers and their expedition against the Abennaki at St. Francis in 1759. A beautiful and thrilling picture in color and so exciting, we as well as Bab and Rog literally clutched our seats. Willie could scarcely hold Rog down on his seat when the battle with the Indians was imminent.

This has been a fateful week in Europe. The "war in earnest" seems to have started at last. The Germans and the Allies are at death grips in Scandanavia - no punches pulled this time. The full might of the British navy has been turned loose on the Nazis in Norway in a tremendous effort to isolate them and regain control of the situation.  More ominous perhaps are signs of a great offensive developing in France - threats of German invasion of Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, the Balkans - rumbling of possible all inclusive air war. A terrible time!