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A cop shot out of Parade and overhauled us. He said, "Let's see your papers." Bird handed them over and said, "I didn't think I could stop." The cop said, "I don't care what you thought. You went through a red light and I'll have to arrest you." He filled out the tickets and departed without further adieu. It may have been a blessing for Bird. He drives that old car too fast and it may save him a bad smash some day - as well as the rest of us.

Ben reported today that Ruth Stevens is in a critical condition at Warren - unconscious and not expected to live - and I believe it would be a blessing if she didn't. He tells me Ruth's aunt on her father's side died in the insane asylum so this is evidently inherited. It is one of those terrible, tragic things that very seldom strike this close to home. Ben says Ruth and Mary Warren broke up several months ago- apparently Mary broke it up. I suspect it was one of these "Well of Loneliness" affairs at least as far as Ruth was concerned. Then the day Ruth went berserk, she was rejected on a promotion and ten girls put past her. The main reason for the rejection was a letter from Mt. Holyoke telling why she was expelled 16 years ago! No one knows why but putting two and two together one can surmise  a probable reason. That seems to have been the last straw and her mind snapped. Before the day was over she had to be put into a straight-jacket! I shall never forget how lovely I thought she looked when I saw her picture back in 1926- nor how Mrs. Stevens wanted me to come and live with them while I was here on test. I thank God now I never did - but what things lie ahead for some people! And yet I believe if she had married and had a normal life, she might be allright today.