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in the basement, someone asked Willie to play ping pong and she refused.  These incidents made me feel she was doing all right.  There was a lot of drinking and after midnight Willie began at me about that and driving home, which irritated me.  Charlie and I were loathe to leave while Willie and Barbara, thinking of their girls with the children, wanted to go before we did.  That made more friction.  All in all I haven't had such a run-in with Willie in years.  She cried when we got to bed.  The funny thing about it all, seemed to be that about 5 of the husbands were in the doghouse too - I was not alone.  In the future I shall have to be more thoughtful - I wouldn't hurt Willie intentionally but I guess I am thoughtless sometimes.

Marion Lamborn was there with Dick until 10 PM and shows her condition markedly now.  It was good to see her again - the friendliest girl in the crowd and to be the mother of three!  Maybelle, the huskiest, mother of none, trying desperately to find some pleasure in life.  The biggest eye-opener to me tonight was what a marvellous dancer Ina Friese is!  I danced with her once and it was all too brief.  Also found out Jack Friese is a Phi Delt from Allegheny!

Bill Collins drinking like a fish as usual - Harriet was afraid he would have a stroke at one time, the way he was jumping around.  Dr. Ed. Baker and his wife were there - I found her quite attractive - the girls seem to go nuts over him for some reason which is obscure to me.  Walter Scarborough, home from a two weeks malleable casting trip, was a [[underlined]]perfect[[/underlined]]host.