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Erie, Pa.,
Tuesday, April 30, '40.
A smooth, quite uneventful day.  Had a session with Vogel and St. L. this afternoon on Ordinance work.  St. L. had to leave early to see a doctor to have an electro-cardiograph taken because he has had some pains in his chest the past couple of days and it may be heart trouble.  He seemed very cheerful about it but the way he described it somehow it sounded to me like it might be the beginning of angina-pectoris.  I hope the old boy is okay - he's a great egg.

The other day Willie and I were discussing Maybelle's extravagances and I said I wondered why she hand't bought a new car.  Tonight Willie announced she had today bought a Buick convertible coupé - a lulu, and would bring it out tonight to show me, having been out in the afternoon to show it to Willie.  Sure enough she came with Walt about 7:30 PM and gave me and the children a ride letting me drive.  It is a [[underlined]]sweet[[/underlined]]job even if GM did make it.  Maybelle says it is hers - Walter will have to get along as best he can.  I feel rather sorry for him - he acts rather embarassed by the whole affair.  Maybelles isn't obnoxious about it but just like a child - all enthusisam over this, then forgotten and all enthusiasm over that.  She took her old car down to be greased yesterday, saw this car and bought it - took delivery this afternoon!  The $400 phonograph was similar - now I'll bet it is well nigh forgotten with the Buick in the spotlight.  After all, Maybelle's life is really an empty one and all this wallowing around is merely an attempt at escape into something that will seem to fill it - but at best it can be only temporary.