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Erie, Pa.,
Wednesday, May 1, '40.
Rather a routine day - a session this afternoon with Commander Hill on what to do because Ford Instrument can't deliver power equipment and elevating and training gear on time for the 5"/38's.  I have had a very mild sore throat for a couple of days - but today it has suddenly begun to flare up on me over on the right tonsil where it started in January.  So when I got home I was not too happy to learn the Reeds and Scarboroughs were coming in tonight for Tripoly. However, it was a pretty good session - afraid I was rather quiet because the throat held me down quite considerably.  Maybelle wants Willie to go as far as Louisville with her next week and I have said "OK" - Lenore can pinch hit Thursday and Friday and I can handle the kids Saturday and Sunday - if Maybelle goes.

Believe that on the 29th of April I completed one solid, uninterrupted year of Journal - a real record - and on July 9, I shall have two year of Journal with only minor interruptions.

Erie, Pa.,
Thursday, May 2, 1940.
"Whitey" back this morning and he seemed to be well satisfied with the way things had been left for his return so I felt pretty good over that.  Besides, I am to continue reading all his mail first, then Henry and I sort it, then I think Whitey wants to review what's left with me, but because D.C. Prince, our new Manager of Application Engineering, was here today, we didn't get to that last act this time.  Maybe we start