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that tomorrow.  "Whitey" told me to keep hammering at my campaign from now on.  So all seems to be going all right.
I planned to go to See Dr. Delaney about my throat after lunch but they had a big luncheon for Prince that I couldn't very well duck, so I had to pass up the doctor until tonight.  Prince said, (just as I surmised) that our way of doing business out here will be upset in no way at all by the new line-up, and I gather Whitey will still be the big boss of the whole outfit just as he is now.  So as I see it, this new arrangement will not affect my future in any way.  The whole idea is that of C.E. Wilson to again bring the engineers into their own in the Company and thereby gain more prestige for the Company.  Somehow, to me it is rather a vague sounding scheme and I can't see that things are going to be much different than they were before in most places, but perhaps I don't fully savvy the whole purpose.  Prince seems like a prince!!

Had a cheering wire from Roy Goggins saying the B & M are now considering ten 44 ton units, that Tom Knight is going to see [[Frends?]] tomorrow, that my April 16th letter went over big with the Mechanical Dept.  So I felt much better over that.

Delaney was out tonight so Dr. [[?best guess]]Schlindewein[[/?best guess]] took care of me - advised me to have my tonsils out, swabbed my throat out, sprayed it, gave me gargle and sulfanilamide, and told me to come in Saturday.  I'm beginning to become reconciled to the idea I'll have to have the tonsils out.  These sore throats are like nothing I ever had before in my life.