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Erie, Pa.,
Friday, May 3, '40.
Throat better this morning and by night practically well!  But I still believe it will be wise to have the tonsils out one of these fine days before next winter sets in.

Roy phoned today and I was hoping he would announce they had an order from the B & M.  Instead he said he had a letter from Gus Munster asking for price on a 44 ton Hercules locomotive, apparently the same engine we thought we had killed a month ago.  Roy suggested I bring the dope on it over Monday - he thought the business could be closed next week.  I told him I'd think about it.  Checked up on the Hercules again and found as unsatisfactory a story as before.  Then got a letter from White saying Watertown Arsenal would negotiate direct for a locomotive instead of through Washington.  So I decided to go to Boston Sunday night and endeavor to get these two things finally cleaned up.  Whitey gave me his blessing after being assured there would be no "guns to quote" the first of the week.

Rudy Krape thought Whitey told him today the New Haven freight loco job had been closed in secret with us.  Whitey didn't tell me but he really didn't have a good opportunity to so it may be true.  I hope so!

My raise didn't come quite soon enough to make it possible to avoid taking this months heavy insurance premiums out of accumulations - the first time I've done that.  But from here on it should be smooth sailing. 

Prize remark of the day, by Doc Gillilan, referring to his dog - "a disenfranchised female name Charlie."