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Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, May 4, 1940.
A day almost wholly devoted to working around the house and yard on spring activities. This evening we had the Scarbourghs and Perkinsons in to dinner and Tripoley and it went very well. It looks as though Willie will drive as far as Louisville with Maybelle this coming week when M- goes to Texas Willie returning Sunday. I've been trying to talk her into flying back to Cleveland where we would meet her with the car but she is a little leery of it - will return on the train I guess.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, May 5, '40.
Have just returned from a long ride and picnic  - first of the year - we went to Jefferson, Ohio. because Bab wanted to - had seen Jefferson on the map and decided that was the place to go. It was a very pretty ride - lovely, warm, sunny day with things beginning to come out fast now. En route home, Bab got her foot caught in the back seat somehow, got laughing and tinkled all over the floor. Outside of that and her tipping over the usual glass of milk, it was a delightful trip and wonderful to be outdoors. Am off tonight for the Hub again.
The war in southern Norway is over - the Germans have won in another 20 day Blitzkrieg, and the Allies have sailed away pursued by Nazi bombers raining death and destruction on them as they left. Only at [[?Narvik]] up above the Arctic Circle the war continues with a band of Nazis holding out against hell and high water. Prime Minister Chamberlain may be forced out as a result of this terrific smash at British prestige.