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Now I have the rather delicate job of writing a letter condemning Hercules without condemning them. We are sincere about all this but it is a ticklish business.

Whiled away the afternoon in the office until 4 PM and then went across the street for a few farewell drinks in the Tavern. I had a reservation to Erie on the 5:30 PM plane, wanting to get back tonight to see Willie before she leaves tomorrow early for Louisville with Maybelle en route to Texas. We left Boston soil at 5:35 PM - in 58 minutes were over Schenectady - l hr. 35 min over north of Syracuse - 2 hrs. flat over Rochester and into Buffalo in 2 hrs. 24 minutes! We passed north of Syracuse to avoid a rain storm, going right down over Oneida Lake. To the north was Ontario and the curve of New York State was there clear as day! It was a lovely trip - clear and smooth - and the big Douglas was certainly humming along - and westbound at that! The hop was uneventful from Buffalo to Erie except it was raining at Erie and we went on and on after passing the city. I was opposite the wing and couldn't see anything and I was sure they weren't going to stop. What they did was circle way around and come in from the west. Willie and Rog were waiting for me - Bab at the movies and not ill this time, thank heavens. Because there was Daylight time in Boston, I left there at twenty-five of seven and was home at 9:30! That certainly beats taking the train which would get me home at 9:30 tomorrow morning - and the plane fare has been reduced - is now $25.35 vs. $21.45 via train plus dinner and breakfast and tips - about an even break.