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Erie, Pa.,
Thursday, May 9, '40.
Gave Whitey a report of my trip this morning which was interrupted by a conference so I had to cut it short. I noticed this morning and after lunch that I was not given the mail to read as usual for Whitey. I wondered what had happened; in fact it disturbed me so for a while I couldn't work until I took hold of myself and said, "Cut out the worrying; there's probably some good explanation for it. Try to have a little faith and believe things are going to turn out well if you do your best." And sure enough, later in the day when I saw Whitey to conclude my report, he told me he had decided to handle the mail this way - he, Henry and I meet in his office every day at 8:30 AM and 1:30 PM and review the mail together. He said he thought that would work better in "trying to put across what I'm trying to do here." Another lesson learned about worry!

Jay Walker called me in Boston yesterday - wanted me to spend today in New York going over 44 tonners with Phil Hatch. I told him I couldn't do it, so he suggested I come down next week. I asked Whitey today if he wanted me to continue on that job in view of my future changes and he said only if immediate business was involved - otherwise give it to Doc.

Spent considerable time today on the 75mm pack howitzer bid with St.L. and Ernie Shank and found that by giving it attentive thought I could make a couple of good suggestions in the way of changes over the set-up agreed on by Whitey yesterday. All of which gave me confidence in myself and was very satisfying. Next week we send in a 37mm gun bid - ordinance will be booming soon.