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Willie left his morning for Louisville with Maybelle. Lenore prepared a very good dinner tonight and as she was spending the night here, I went downtown to mail some letters and then had a couple of beers at the Laurence and the City Club. In the latter I composed a portion of my B&M-Hercules letter, and it sounded good. If it stands the test tomorrow morning, I'll use it. I enjoy floating around like that occasionally in the evening when I know I'm free. Was in bed about 11:30 PM - no heavy dissipation.

Erie, Pa.
Friday, May 10, 1940.

While shaving this morning, I was jarred by newsboys yelling "Extra." I told the children my guess would be Germany had invaded Holland. And that was correct - not only Holland but also Belgium and Luxemburg. The great blitzkrieg is at last on, and on its outcome hinges unquestionably the future of the civilized world. God only knows where this will end. There is even talk now of the Germans invading Great Britain if this move is successful and what once seemed like a fantastic dream now looks like a good possibility. It is do or die now for the British Empire and in spite of all the arguments about Germany's being entitled to "her place in the sun", etc., etc., no normal human being can hope for anything but a Nazi defeat. The world has never seen such ruthlessness, treachery, disregard for right and justice as they have shown. If they win, it is now apparent even we cannot feel safe or secure. It appears Hitler actually is bent on at least dominating if not actually ruling the world. And his threat now appears to be a dangerous one! Parachute troops are the latest angle in this assault!