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Caterpillar and got him to agree to go to Peoria to see their plant - which should almost decide the issue, as they have a marvellous outfit there so I am told. We tried to get Ed Kelly to come in town for dinner but he had people coming in, & couldn't make it. Phil finally decided he'd better go home too, so, Blanchard having left for Boston, Jay proposed we take a lady friend of his to dinner to which I agreed heartily.

She is Ann Kittredge, a grass widow of say 33 with a boy 12, whom Jay met through Mel Partridge. She works for a big insurance outfit and lives at the American Women's Club and I thought she was extremely nice and a real break for Jay. She even looks a little like Ruth. I would guess there is something serious there and I think it is a fine thing for Jay. She knows the A.A. Berles and seems to be well educated and have a good background and good connections. She divorced her husband because he went slightly nutty according to Jay. We went up to the Women's Club for her and had dinner there after she showed it all to me - a marvellous place for a girl like that to live in New York - like a huge sorority except the women vary in age from 18 to 70 and there are 1000 of them. I felt very at home with her - a real, genuine, unaffected, cultivated, attractive girl who has evidently had her troubles and risen above them heroically. After dinner we went to the Music Hall and I caught the Owl for Boston where I am scheduled to go out to Watertown Arsenal tomorrow to look over the 37 mm antiaircraft gun mount.