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En route to Erie
Friday, May 17, 1940.
Got back to Boston to learn Whitey had phoned Roy yesterday the new established price on the 44 ton is $32500, which he had immediately given to Gus Uburster who remarked, "That ought to make them sit up and take notice."  Roy and I spent most of the morning out at the Arsenal with Bacall going over the details of the "Tarzan Jr." proposition and looking over the 37 mm antiaircraft mount.  Ralph Beers and Steve Vonch came in on the Boston Elevated PCC car job wich has been awarded to Pullman with the right to buy the electrical at their discretion.  We got 60% of the Providence trolley coach order.  We've got to get 100% of this loco order!

Neil, Blanchard and I met Ernie Blors at the Parker House about 9 PM to discuss engines and we repaired to the bar where 3 incomparable Parker House scotches got things started well and sociably.  I had to get the 11:15 PM train, having been unable to get passage to Erie tomorrow by plane, so we went down to South Station about 10:30 PM and finally talked business.  Ernie asked me if the Cummins engine on Tarzan Jr. was 150 HP, what was the Hercules on the same basis and I told him I didn't know exactly, to which he replied triumphantly, "That's all I want to know."  But he was very anxious apparently to part good friends and when I left we almost kissed each other, so I felt all was well enough.   He also said, when we informed him of the price cut, "Yes - and wouldn't we have been a fine bunch of suckers to have paid you $35,000 for it!  We'll get you down to $21,000 before we get them."  And I had to admit to myself