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along with us. They now live over on Virginia Avenue and their boy "Nicky" is Roger's bosom pal these days - a relief from the fickle Boyd Bunt.

Erie, Pa.
Sunday, May 19, 1940.

It was about 50° early this morning and by noon was up to 85°! It was great to be outdoors working in the yard in the hot sun and I spent most of the day at it. Rog went to Sunday School with Nicky Greer at the Church of the Covenant and loved it, and that made us feel good as we want to get him and Bab back into Sunday School. Elizabeth Cain goes there too and Bab can go with her. This fall I hope all of us can get going again. It will be good for us. In times like these one needs religion to steady one.

Mother came today on the 4:07 PM and I thought she seemed quite well and extremely happy to be here again. I do trust that this time things can and will go more smoothly. I'll do my best and somehow I have a feeling Mother will make an especial effort too. When she is pleasant and happy like this I enjoy having her here. Let us hope and pray it may remain so.

Erie, Pa.,
Monday, May 20, '40.

The main events were at the office today as follows:

1.) Lynch and I are delegated to run the mechanics of the big Sales Committee meeting here next Monday and Tuesday. Phil Reed will be here Tuesday to address the Quarter Century & Firemen's Ann. Meeting and we will all participate in that including cocktail party at Mr. Emmet's for Mr. Reed.