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2.) Already the Armament Expansion program is being heard from and the quantities on 75 mm pack howitzers and 37 mm antitank guns have been tripled!  We had a long session this morning with Emmet, St. L. etal. on it.

3.) Whitey asked me to be "host" to Albert Dean of the Budd Co. here Thursday to address the Griswald Club.

4.) Whitey told me I would have to read the mail alone tomorrow when he, Henry and Cash will all be away.

So my career at the plant seems to be blossoming nicely and I feel rather happy about it.  I must make a go of it.  I must and I know I can.

Erie, Pa.,
Tuesday, May 21, '40.
The lone handling of the mail went smoothly.  I spent the day in a whirl.  Ernie Blors and Fred Budepitt are visiting Caterpillar at Peoria tomorrow and stopping here with Roy on the return so that is good.  Phil can't get to peoria this week.  Bill Hamilton & Jay due here tomorrow.  Albert Dean Thursday.  Arrangements for Sales Committee next week.  I am swamped.  Taking home Sales Committee tonight to try & get caught up.  Went to the OK Lunch for lunch with Perle and from there to St. Vincent's Hospital to see Gus Marx who is in for a prostate gland operation.  He seem quite cheerful in spite of what he faces.  Gus is a good egg, a faithful, hard worker - an old batch, about 57 years old.  I always liked him.  I hope he comes out of this okay.